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App Competition
Techinical Challange
Sunday, 15 January 2017
App Competition
Garofalo & Partners indice una nuova modalità di human resource scouting: technical challenge. Giovani talentuosi si sfideranno in una giornata intensa di lavoro dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 13:00.per creare la propria APP.
La competition si svolgerà nelle sede della Garofalo & Partners in Corso Vittorio Emanuele 191\193\195 (Terzo Piano Galleria Capitol) - 84122 Salerno

Technical Challenge - 15 gennaio 2017
Garofalo & Partners launches a new mode of human resorurce scouting: technical challenge. Talented young people will compete in a busy day of work from 9:00 to 13:00 hours to create their own APP. Android development environmet

The best idea will be rewarded, by 15.00, with a Samsung S7. The evaluation will be made with this metric:
-Best GUI

Registration Form

Among the best developers ... the most innovative ... will be selected "young" for the: WINS The APP measures the time you invest to promote yourself .

This APP is born from an idea of Giordano Associati

The themes are as follows: Product Marketing, Healthcare, Wellness, Security and Governance , Automotive.
You can move independently on the issues because the focus is creativity. The hours of development at Garofalo & Partners is to compare the work involved prior to or directly at the event.

For information contact by email - - 06 4521 4854
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